2015年12月3日 星期四



There are some situations in your Christian life you must overcome by humility. There are also problems you constantly face because you haven't grown in humility. Without humility, you won't overcome . GOD knows and keeps waiting for you. Many people develop pride, fear and anger after hurts and disappointments as a self defense system. Pride is subtle. Many people can't overcome their past because pride is strong in them. Pride is one negative power that supports hurt and woundedness. It makes a person feel that what happened in the past shouldn't have happened to them. People that are wounded and hurt rarely understand that sometimes they get strength from pride, fear and anger. Fear, anger and pride in a person can make the person seem to have ability to face every day life but he's living in darkness. Strongholds in the soul also empowers a person. Jesus was humble to death in order to glorify the Father. We must also be humble when we are hurt so that we grow in the image of Christ.
Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.譯:有許多基督徒生命中的景況,是必須要靠謙卑來勝過。有些問題是你會不斷的面對,這是因為你還沒有在謙卑中成長。沒有謙卑,你無法得勝。神知道也會持續等待你。許多人在傷害與失望過後,建立起驕傲、恐懼和憤怒,這成為他們自我防禦系統。驕傲是很微妙的,許多人無法勝過他們的過去,因為他們內在有很強大的驕傲。驕傲是ㄧ個負面能量支持傷痛與傷害,這讓人感受到過去所發生經歷的,不應該發生在他們的身上。經歷過傷痛的人很少明白有時候他們從驕傲、恐懼與憤怒中得著力量。在人裡面的驕傲、恐懼與憤怒會使人看似有能力面對生命中的每一天,但他其實是處於黑暗當中。在靈裡的堅固營壘也能使人得力。耶穌至死仍謙卑,以此榮耀天父。當我們受傷,我們也必需謙卑,如此我們得以照基督的形象成長。

以賽亞書 53:3 他被藐視、被人厭棄、多受痛苦、常經憂患。他被藐視、好像被人掩面不看的一樣,我們也不尊重他。

