2015年11月9日 星期一

不饒恕的致命後果The Deadly Consequences of Unforgiveness

Stanley Mez 至 Four Winds 220
7 小時前 · 新北市 · 
不饒恕的致命後果The Deadly Consequences of Unforgiveness
不饒恕在醫療書籍中被歸類為疾病之一。根據斯蒂芬斯坦迪弗醫生,美國癌症治療中心的外科主任表示,拒絕饒恕會招致疾病并使人持續陷在疾病中。有鑒於此,饒恕療法被引進用於治療疾病,例如癌症。斯坦迪弗醫生解釋道:“處理情緒上的創傷與失調是非常重要的,因為它們確實可以妨礙患者的治療效果,即便患者非常有意願接受治療。” Unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease. According to Dr. Steven Standiford , chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. With that in mind, forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases, such as cancer. "It's important to treat emotional wounds or disorders because they really can hinder someone's reactions to the treatments, even someone's willingness to pursue treatment," Standiford explained.
根據邁克貝利博士,一名牧師同時也是《饒恕專案》的作者的研究,在所有的癌症患者中,百分之六十一有不饒恕的問題,在其中又有半數以上有嚴重不饒恕的問題。他解釋道:“心懷這些負面情緒,這樣的憤怒與仇恨使人處於長期焦慮的狀態。長期焦慮可想而知帶來過量的腎上腺素與皮質醇分泌,減少自然殺傷細胞的生成,而自然殺傷細胞是我們身體與癌細胞作戰的步兵。” 貝利表示學習饒恕的第一步是意識到神對我們的饒恕有多大。他說:“當一個人從心裡饒恕——“從心裡饒恕”是我們在馬太福音第18章見到的黃金標準——我們發現他們能夠找到平靜感。我們的病人經常將其描述為一種輕鬆的感覺。” 貝利指出大多數人沒有意識到憤怒與仇恨是多麼沉重的負擔,直到他們放手。Of all cancer patients, 61 percent have forgiveness issues, and of those, more than half are severe, according to research by Dr. Michael Barry, a pastor and the author of the book, The Forgiveness Project. "Harboring these negative emotions, this anger and hatred, creates a state of chronic anxiety," he said. "Chronic anxiety very predictably produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, which deplete the production of natural killer cells, which is your body's foot soldier in the fight against cancer," he explained. Barry said the first step in learning to forgive is to realize how much we have been forgiven by God. "When a person forgives from the heart – which is the gold standard we see in Matthew 18, forgiveness from the heart – we find that they are able to find a sense of peacefulness. Quite often our patients refer to that as a feeling of lightness," he said. Barry said most people don't realize what a burden anger and hatred were until they let them go.

